please read with EXTRA caution. overexposure to this blog may lead to brain damage or the slow degeneration of one's sanity. please note that you have been warned so i will not be liable for any loss, injury or damage that might occur while reading this blog. so with that in mind, enjoy! :D
dysfuntional details
ain aissa is always thinking about food, wishing she could fly, obsessing over silly things & spacing out in between conversations. she sometimes literally thinks that everyone is out to get her and that the world is against her. talk about paranoia! yeahhhh. she's weird that way.
grrrrreat. and now she's talking in a 3rd person's point of view. well. that about sums everything up. O__O
2 pooped.:
oh really poor thing...first the poor thing get there and stucked there..i am mean too..i find it super duper hilarious~
haha. yeahh, it is! XDXD
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